Friday, April 21, 2017

It's Not Your Fault

One of the biggest struggles I've yet to accept is that sometimes things are just not going to be okay.

Sometimes you're going to put in all of the effort -- you're going to show up, you're going to lay your heart out on the line, you're going to invest your time and your energy and all of your heart into making something worthwhile and true and real -- and it's not going to work. Sometimes it's inevitable that swinging the bat as hard as you can will only result in a strike.

And you know what? That. Is. Okay.

God has supplied me with some of the best companions to get me through this crazy ride. The other night, I'd reached full meltdown mode. I'm talking, I left a situation I'd been hoping was going to be butterflies and rainbows and magical in every way... That actually ended up being filled with anxiety and questions and hurt. When I say meltdown mode, I'm talking sitting-in-the-driveway-sobbing-so-your-roommate-doesn't-see-you-a-mess kind of meltdown. Bentley called me and, while I sobbed out my story and released all of the pent-up hurt that was playing around inside of me, he said four words that have been my game changer.

"It's not your fault."


You think you made a mistake? You think that just because your life took a dramatic turn and is winding up the rugged mountain instead of gracefully wandering in the meadow that you messed up somewhere? You chose what was behind Door Number Two when Door Number One was already open, and now your life seems to be in chaos and the only thing you can think is, "I royally screwed up that one?"

It's not your fault.

God and fate has you where you are for a reason, and that reason is you are becoming a better you. Door Number One may have looked like the more reasonable option, but little did you know that when you chose Door Number Two it actually led you into a secret hallway where your true path lay. You may have struck out the last time you were at bat, but the Coach didn't take you out of the game because He knew that the next time you were up to the plate, you'd hit the ball out of the park. Sometimes, as cliche as it sounds, those missed opportunities and moments you didn't take the path less traveled by are the game changers.

So soak it up. Revel in the fact that even in our mistakes, we're destined for greatness and joy. Don't be afraid to swing the bat, and don't be afraid of opening the wrong door. Keep your heart open, and even if you choose the option that doesn't seem to be landing you ten years after you answered the question in your senior yearbook.. You're still where He wants you to be.

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